Northamptonshire County Council - Webcasts
The webcast programme is an ideal way for local residents to stay up-to-date with local government issues without having to physically attend meetings. Furthermore, where issues affect local residents it is an easy way for the authority to accommodate high numbers of interested parties in excess of the capacity of public facilities at County Hall.
Northamptonshire County Council webcast a range of meetings with the aim of improving openness, transparency and understanding of the decisions that the Council takes. Amongst the meetings we webcast are:
- Cabinet;
- Full Council;
- All of our Overview and Scrutiny Committees;
- Development Control (planning) Committee;
- The Northamptonshire Police and Crime Panel; and
- The Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board.
What is a webcast?
A webcast is a transmission of audio and video over the Internet. It enables you to watch council meetings live from the comfort of your own home or even on the move with an Android or iOS device.